Since Baccarat was established almost 250 years ago, it has been responsible for creating the most extraordinary crystal masterpieces. Each piece, whether a simple glass, a decorative vase or a grand chandelier, has been hand crafted to absolute perfection.
Inspired by the designs of great artists, Baccarat is considered to be the world’s leading luxury crystalware manufacturer.
Entirely made of crystal and handmade, Baccarat’s necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings are symbols of luxury and prestige.
For almost two centuries, Baccarat crystal lighting has symbolized perfection and expertise of this house. Discover hand-crafted crystal perfection in modern lighting designs; chandeliers, ceiling lamps, table candelabras, floor lamps and more.
Take advantage of the expertise of the world’s leading brand of luxury hand crafted crystal to decorate your home. Baccarat’s vases, candle holders, figurines, paperweights and more will illuminate all the rooms of your house.
Beauty, perfection and elegance are some of the words that best describe Baccarat. They stand as a symbol of grand luxury and the eternally young with a proud history that goes three centuries back in time.